Crazy fun to be had, flying thru the air and crashing into a 13m x 6 m air bag. BIG AIR RULES Gravity Big Air is some crazy fun, but to keep you safe, we need you to observe the following rules: Always follow staff directionsAlways remain in control, do not attempt new manoeuvresAlways Only jump when your lane is clear, and look out for othersAlways land in your own laneAlways use correct exit pathNever climb or hang on the walls, nets, or paddingNever land on your head, neck or backNever dive into the airbagNever jump if there is no staff member presentNever lie down or sit on the airbag or mats/padding/fencingNever affect another jumper’s bounce in any wayNEVER EVER attempt double flips, back flips or gainers into air bag, or any manoeuvres outside your experience or abilityOne person to a trampoline onlyBend your knees to land or stop, jump in control, jump and land on two feetIt’s your responsibility to avoid othersTrampoline use involves inherent risk – jump smart, be safeNon-compliance may result in loss of jumping privileges